Reddit mass effect andromeda



r/MassEffectAndromeda: Welcome to the Mass Effect Andromeda (MEA) Subreddit, a home of polite discussions about the Andromeda galaxy and its …

Mass Effect Andromeda is exactly as good as everyone says.

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12.2.2021 — It’s an alright game. It has beautiful scenery. It’s a complete retread of the first game too. The writing is VERY simple. Many of the crew mate …

37 votes, 34 comments. I mean that in both ways. It’s an alright game. It has beautiful scenery. It’s a complete retread of the first game too. The …

Mass Effect : Andromeda – Reddit

Mass Effect : Andromeda

Mass Effect : Andromeda. r/MEandromeda. Mass Effect : Andromeda. 2.1K members • 1 online. Join. Posts · About. Hot. u/stepanmetior avatar stepanmetior1y.

r/MEandromeda: Mass Effect : Andromeda

Why was Mass Effect Andromeda so hated? : r/masseffect

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1.3.2022 — “Ryder is worse Shepard!” but Ryder actually has a character arc and Shepard is the same the whole game. “The gameplay is repetitive!” but then …

I started playing the OT thanks to the Legendary Edition being on Game Pass and I absolutely loved it. (Mass Effect 2 became my favorite videogame …

Just finished Andromeda after playing the trilogy and I have to …

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26.6.2021 — It’s a perfectly competent generic sci fi shooter, but nothing that makes Mass Effect great is present in Andromeda. The dialogue choices are …

607 votes, 277 comments. What do you guys think? Playing it now after all the fixes and not the buggy mess it was at launch? Because I played at …

Mass Effect Andromeda: I wanted to like it so badly – Reddit

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21.8.2022 — I loved it. It’s a slow, more realistic non-linear down-to-earth sci-fi rpg, especially what comes to multiple intertwined arcs of many many …

701 votes, 211 comments. I am a HUGE Mass Effect fan! Mass Effect 2 is actually what got me into modern gaming consoles. With that said I wanted to …

Mass Effect Multiplayer and CoOp – Reddit

Mass Effect Multiplayer and CoOp

Find information and other players for the Multiplayer of BioWare’s Mass Effect Games. 22.9K members • 19 … Mass effect Andromeda teamwork achievement.

r/MECoOp: Find information and other players for the Multiplayer of BioWare’s Mass Effect Games

Finally got around to playing Mass Effect: Andromeda … – Reddit

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12.1.2022 — Combat is pretty excellent. The shooting is snappy, the weapon selection is diverse and the abillities and combos you can use are fun. The fact …

74 votes, 71 comments. I absolutely loved this game. I don’t know how much my significantly lowered expectations or the fact that I got it for a …

Is Andromeda good now? : r/masseffect – Reddit

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22.2.2022 — It’s good. It has actually been good since release there were just some issues with animations which ticked people off. I played it after …

Hi! I’m a ne fan of the series thanks to Game Pass. I really enjoyed Mass Effect and I’m loving my playthrough of Mass Effect 2. The thing is, I’ve …

2021 Mass effect Andromeda deserves a chance : r/masseffect

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13.5.2021 — Thought it was gonna be like Halo reddit or Fromsoftware reddit, sure explains the toxicity.

15 votes, 70 comments. It’s 2021 and I hope that before or after your Mass Effect legendary edition 1st playthrough you remember Mass Effect …

Keywords: reddit mass effect andromeda, andromeda reddit